Moroccan Tiles Walls and Floors Manufacturers Pakistan
Moroccan Tiles | Walls and Floors.
Discovered by the fusion of fire and clay, two ordinary elements of nature, benefits of fired ceramics were discovered some 10,000 years ago in the Middle East. The story of its evolution goes hand in hand with subsequent architectural developments through the ages, from the beautifully tiled surfaces in the ancient pyramids, to the magnificent courts of Babylonian cities, use of ceramic tiles was inspired by the desire to create the most beautiful, durable spaces.
Decorative tile work has its origins in the Middle East and Persia, where it maintained wider popularity and assumed greater variety in design than anywhere else in the world. With distinctly varied styles, Persian and Moroccan tile industries flourished and attained perfection during the Islamic period. Due to its emphasis on non representational design, Islamic designers and artisans found tile work a suitable medium to decorate their buildings with, so much so, that rich surface decorations became a hallmark of Islamic architecture and design.

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